Detroit Radio Station Climbs The Charts With GetRank

October 23, 2023

Some people say radio is dead.  And when it comes to AM radio stations, the listenership is even more selective.  However, this is a false narrative and one radio station in metro Detroit found that out when they activated a subscription with GetRank.

Top Challenges for Radio Stations

There is fierce competition among radio stations in every market for the metrics that matter most which include:

  • Competing for new and return listeners
  • Providing quality programming and content
  • Obtaining and increasing advertising revenue
  • Developing brand consistency

How They Did It

When the radio station activated their GetRank subscription for brand monitoring and protection, they engineered their new Google ads account with the following tactics:

  • They knew their brand keywords.  This was important because utilizing too many, or, the wrong keywords would lead to wasted ad impressions, website visits, and budget.
  • They created great ad copy.  Their advertisements were exception and when using Responsive Search Ads (RSA) they were able to incorporate their brand name, brand keywords, and memorable taglines.
  • Their content resonated with their audience.  The content offered by the station was a wonderful marriage for its listeners.  Live streaming, podcasts, polls, surveys, and more helped to build the engagement that mattered most to their audience.

Results Matter…The Neilsen Ratings Are In

In 30 day cycles, Nielsen provides radio stations statistics on their listeners.  Below are the performance metrics before and after the radio activated their GetRank subscription:

  • Prior to GetRank.  The station averaged 2100 listeners per week.  This equated to approximately 8400 listeners per month.  Their ranking among radio stations in metro Detroit was approximately 25th out of the top 30 stations.
  • After GetRank.  60 days following the activation of their GetRank subscription, the station received 38000 listeners per week.  This equated to approximately 152000 listeners per month (a 94% increase).  Their ranking among radio stations in metro Detroit was approximately 17th of the top 30 stations.

The No Risk Solution to Hight Ad Costs in Google

A subscription with GetRank comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.  This truly offers a risk-free opportunity for you to leverage brand monitoring and protection that drives real results in Google ads.  Get started today.