Why Search Advertising is About to Get Much More Important

June 12, 2023

One of the most popular questions that comes up in many conversations between business owners today is “how are you preparing for AI?”

The ease of use and volume of available content through various AI tools can be overwhelming.  That, in and of itself, can steer users away from exploring its uses and value.

There are those who are skeptical about its long-term value and the impact that content generated through AI can have on a website’s organic rankings in major search engines such as Google or Bing.

And there are those still who defer simply to focus their efforts on search engine advertising and defer placing effort towards content creation altogether.  

The Different Forms of Converging Content

Let’s explore below how different forms of content converge, could be displayed in a SERP (Search Engine Results Page), and the popular pros and cons of each.

Content Creation Driven by Artificial Intelligence

AI Generated Content

Content created and driven by AI offers some unique advantages for businesses, marketers, and publishers that include time saving tools and full out content creation tools.  However, it is not without its disadvantages either.  Let’s explore the argument for each below.

Core Advantages of Content Created with AI

  • It’s fast!  From idea or topic creation to pages of content, to code creation.
  • It assumes a holistic search of available knowledge.
  • The results of content created through AI have several applications.
  • Reduces the cost of having to outsource content creation.

Core Disadvantages of Content Created with AI

  • You may be using the same content everyone else is using.
  • Your original thoughts will be missing from the content.
  • Brings plagiarism into focus the true ownership of the content that is found and packaged by AI.
  • If provided for a client, for example, specific information about their knowledge will be missing.

What The Pro’s Say

Author James Hare shares that AI tools are helpful but not meant to replace human writers.

Original Non-AI Created Content

Original Non-AI Content

Content created with the human touch provides unique insight into a particular topic that allows the reader to draw inspiration, ideas, and shareable value with other users.  Let’s explore the argument for and against human or non-AI created content.

Core Advantages of Original Content Creation

  • Original thoughts, ideas, and information can be expressed.
  • It’s purely unique to the creator.
  • It can provide a stronger connection with readers or target audiences.
  • It may have more staying power in SERP and other areas (we shall see).

Core Disadvantages of Original Content Creation

  • It can take a lot of time to create high quality content.
  • Content creation is not a talent everyone possesses.
  • Creating content can sometimes be more costly than desired.
  • If outsourcing content creation, a knowledge transfer is mostly likely required to create unique and specific content.

What The Pro’s Say

Author Jonathan Crossfield says that creating almost the same content as everyone else isn’t content marketing.

Search Engine Advertising Content

Paid Search Marketing

Many companies and marketers turn to paid search advertising as a way to communicate their services, products, offers, and more.  It’s advertised as a painless way to market just about anything, however, there are some downsides to engaging in paid search marketing.  Let’s explore the argument for and against using paid search advertising.

Core Advantages of Paid Search Advertising

  • It offers a quick ramp-up time to obtain high-impact exposure.
  • It allows for strong brand control.
  • Changes are easy to make when testing different offers and content.
  • Paid search campaigns can scale quickly to increases and decreases in advertising budget.

Core Disadvantages of Paid Search Advertising

  • It can get really expensive.
  • There are no guarantees that new business will be generated.
  • If outsourced, skill sets of vendors vary greatly and that directly impacts performance and results.

What The Pro’s Say

Judd Seida, Founder of BizHive, has this to say about paid search advertising. “It’s important to remember that businesses perceive their marketing like an investment portfolio, and they tend to fund the activities that produce the greatest results the quickest.  From a marketing perspective this is many times paid search advertising.”

New SERP Display and The Convergence of Content TheorySM

The Future of SERP

When AI content, original content, and paid content converge in a SERP which will you trust and why?

Will there be a trust factor rating or reliability rating for each type of content that is displayed so users know which type to engage with and use?

Top Questions To Ask About The Future of SERP Display

With these different types of content finding their way into SERP, what will be the top things for platforms like Google, Yahoo, Bing and more to consider?  Here are some top thoughts we have and are happy to add yours to the list:

  • How will penalties be addressed for duplicate content, trademark infringement, or copyright infringement?
  • What will be the barometer for content that is to be considered in the “public domain” and immune from such penalties?
  • Will there be special consideration and labeling for topics that require licensing and specialized training such as financial advice or medical advice?  
  • Will brands that are original content creators be compensated for when their content is diluted or plagiarized?
  • Will AI detect these methods of content labelling and create its own method of spamming trust scores to sway more users to trust its version of content?

Control Your Brand and Your Voice in Search with GetRank

The convergence of content theory we have covered in this article is very real and only elevates the importance of having a unique voice in your search engine advertisements. GetRank helps to protect the brand you have created along with recapturing opportunities that otherwise would go to your competition.  To learn more about how GetRank works please visit here.  

Our team stands at the ready to set up your campaign for you if you if you don’t want to do it yourself. Learn how to get started with GetRank and how you can leverage our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee today!  

Note: this article was not created using any AI tools whatsoever and was instead drafted on an old yellow legal pad.